Whether you already have a space in mind, or you haven't yet started your search, our calculator will help you estimate your space in square meter needs and the budget you should work to.
Option | Definition |
{option.text} | {option.rate} sqm / person - Australian standard |
Your budget: {cnxGetResultsForPathA().fitoutBudgetDisplay}
Number of staff: {cnxGetResultsForPathA().numberOfStaffDisplay}
Space type: {cnxGetResultsForPathA().spaceTypeDisplay}
You can budget up to: {cnxGetResultsForPathA().budgetUpToDisplay}
You require space of: {cnxGetResultsForPathA().spaceRequiredDisplay}
$/sqm range | What you can expect | |
{option.text} | {option.rateDisplay} |
NOTE: Due to economies of scale, smaller projects (<800sqm) typically require a higher $psm spend.
Use your budget and space requirements to populate your project brief for suppliers, providing them with high level space sqm requirements + budget/sqm.
Our bespoke algorithm will match you to suitable fitout partners based on your requirements.
Remember: demolition costs should be budgeted at approximately $150/sqm - these need to be factored into any builds in spaces with existing fitouts that need to be removed.
Size of your space: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathB().sqmSizeOfSpaceDisplay}
Space type: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathB().spaceTypeDisplay}
You can accommodate: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathB().staffToAccommodateDisplay}
$/sqm range | What you can expect | |
{option.text} | {option.rateDisplay} |
NOTE: Due to economies of scale, smaller projects (<800sqm) typically require a higher $psm spend.
Size of your space: {cnxGetResultsForPathB().sqmSizeOfSpaceDisplay}
Space type: {cnxGetResultsForPathB().spaceTypeDisplay}
Level of finish: {cnxGetResultsForPathB().finishTypeDisplay}
Level of finish definition:
You can accommodate: {cnxGetResultsForPathB().staffToAccommodateDisplay}
The estimated budget for your fitout is: {cnxGetResultsForPathB().estimatedBudgetDisplay}
Use your budget and space requirements to populate your project brief for suppliers, providing them with high level space sqm requirements + budget/sqm.
Our bespoke algorithm will match you to suitable fitout partners based on your requirements.
Remember: demolition costs should be budgeted at approximately $150/sqm - these need to be factored into any builds in spaces with existing fitouts that need to be removed.
Number of staff: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathC().numberOfStaffDisplay}
Space type: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathC().spaceTypeDisplay}
You require space of: {cnxGetPartialResultsForPathC().spaceRequiredDisplay}
Number of staff: {cnxGetResultsForPathC().numberOfStaffDisplay}
Space type: {cnxGetResultsForPathC().spaceTypeDisplay}
Level of finish: {cnxGetResultsForPathC().finishTypeDisplay}
Level of finish definition:
You require space of: {cnxGetResultsForPathC().spaceRequiredDisplay}
The estimated budget for your fitout is: {cnxGetResultsForPathC().estimatedBudgetDisplay}
Use your budget and space requirements to populate your project brief for suppliers, providing them with high level space sqm requirements + budget/sqm.
Our bespoke algorithm will match you to suitable fitout partners based on your requirements.
Remember: demolition costs should be budgeted at approximately $150/sqm - these need to be factored into any builds in spaces with existing fitouts that need to be removed.